z_bodya/yii-elfinder Extension to use elFinder 1.x file manager in yii application


ElFinder 1.x Yii extension

  1. Checkout source code to your project, for example to ext.elFinder

  2. Create controller for connector action, and configure it params

    class ElfinderController extends CController
        public function actions()
            return array(
                'connector' => array(
                    'class' => 'ext.elFinder.ElFinderConnectorAction',
                    'settings' => array(
                        'root' => Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/uploads/',
                        'URL' => Yii::app()->baseUrl . '/uploads/',
                        'rootAlias' => 'Home',
                        'mimeDetect' => 'none'
  3. ServerFileInput - use this widget to choose file on server using ElFinder pop-up

      $this->widget('ext.elFinder.ServerFileInput', array(
              'model' => $model,
              'attribute' => 'serverFile',
              'connectorRoute' => 'admin/elfinder/connector',
  4. ImageFileInput - similar to ServerFileInput. Displays small image preview instead of textual path to file.

      $this->widget('ext.elFinder.ImageFileInput', array(
              'model' => $model,
              'attribute' => 'imageFile',
              'connectorRoute' => 'admin/elfinder/connector',
  5. ElFinderWidget use this widget to manage files

      $this->widget('ext.elFinder.ElFinderWidget', array(
              'connectorRoute' => 'admin/elfinder/connector',
  6. To use TinyMceElFinder see: https://bitbucket.org/z_bodya/yii-tinymce


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1.0.0 is the latest of one release

BSD-3-Clause license
2 github stars & 2 github forks
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