yiiext/file-upload-action File upload action

File upload action


// add action to controller
public function actions()
    return array(
        // ...
            'class' => 'ext.yiiext.actions.fileUpload.EFileUploadAction',
            // The data model which contains file attribute with validation rules.
            'model' => null,
            // The model attribute.
            'attribute' => null,
            // The input field name. This must be resolve from model and attribute.
            'name' => 'upload-file',
            // Try create directory if not exists. Defaults to false.
            'createDirectory' => false,
            // Which means the widest possible access.
            'createDirectoryMode' => 0644,
            // Which create directories recursive.
            'createDirectoryRecursive' => false,
            // The rule for generate filename.
            // i.e. 'filenameRule' => 'md5($file->name) . "." . $file->extensionName',
            'filenameRule' => null,
            // The filename. If not set will be copied original filename.
            'filename' => null,
            // The directory where save files.
            'path' => null,
            'onBeforeUpload' => function ($event) {
                // Change default path via event.
                $event->sender->path=Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/files';
            'onBeforeSave' => function ($event) {
                // Add error and cancel uploading.
                $event->sender->addError(Yii::t('yiiext', 'Process stopped!'));
                $event->isValid = false;
            'onAfterSave' => function($event) {
                // i.e. make thumb for uploaded image.
            'onAfterUpload' => function ($event) {
                if($event->sender->hasErrors()) {
                    // Show error if exists.
                    echo implode(', ', $event->sender->getErrors());
                } else {
                    // Return url.
                    echo str_replace(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot'), '', $event->sender->path) . '/' . $event->sender->filename;
                // Stop application.
        // ...


Action has 4 events and runs in the following order:

  • onBeforeUpload - this event is mainly intended to change the default settings for the action: save path, file name, etc.
  • onBeforeSave - intended for a more detailed validation of the downloaded file, what can be done by means of the model. This event can be canceled to save the file by setting the $event->isValid = false
  • onAfterSave - an event designed to manipulate already saved file.
  • onAfterUpload - in this event are invited to check the load, save or no. And show the error.


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