webulla/yii2-sharelinks Yii2 widget for social networks or email sharing


Webulla Yii2 sharing links widget

Widget for posting links to publications on social networks.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ composer require "webulla/yii2-sharelinks":"*"


First, you need to connect the widget:

use webulla\sharelinks\ShareLinks;

Then, you can use widget with default configurations for sharing via facebook, twitter, vkontakte and email:

echo ShareLinks::widget([
    'links' => [
        'facebook' => [],
        'twitter' => [],
        'vkontakte' => [],
        'email' => [],

Or, you can override any default settings:

echo ShareLinks::widget([
    // page url (default: Yii::$app->request->absoluteUrl)
    'url' => 'http://yoursite.com/page',

    // page title (default: Yii::$app->view->title)
    'title' => 'Page title',

    // page description
    'body' => 'Page description',

    // links collection
    'links' => [
        // default service
        'facebook' => ['label' => 'Facebook'],

        // custom service in popup window
        'service' => ['label' => 'Share via Service',
            'url' => 'http://service.com/share?title={title}&body={body}&url={url}'

        // custom service in new tab
        'service-manual' => ['label' => 'Share via Service',
            'url' => 'http://service.com/share?title={title}&body={body}&url={url}',
            'options' => [
                'class' => 'share-link-manual',  // disable on click event listening
                'target' => '_blank', // open link in new tab

Predefined services:

$services = [
    'twitter' => ['label' => 'Share via twitter'],
    'facebook' => ['label' => 'Share via Facebook'],
    'vkontakte' => ['label' => 'Share via Vkontakte'],
    'gplus' => ['label' => 'Share via Google Plus'],
    'linkedin' => ['label' => 'Share via Linkedin'],
    'kindle' => ['label' => 'Share via Kindle'],
    'email' => ['label' => 'Share via E-mail'],


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No stable releases.

MIT license
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