vova07/yii2-imperavi-widget The imperavi redactor widget for Yii 2 framework.


Imperavi Redactor Widget for Yii 2

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Imperavi Redactor Widget is a wrapper for Imperavi Redactor 10.2.5, a high quality WYSIWYG editor.

Note that Imperavi Redactor itself is a proprietary commercial copyrighted software but since Yii community bought OEM license you can use it for free with Yii.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

$ php composer.phar require --prefer-dist vova07/yii2-imperavi-widget "*"

or add

"vova07/yii2-imperavi-widget": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code:

Like a widget

echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'name' => 'redactor',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'plugins' => [
        'clips' => [
            ['Lorem ipsum...', 'Lorem...'],
            ['red', '<span class="label-red">red</span>'],
            ['green', '<span class="label-green">green</span>'],
            ['blue', '<span class="label-blue">blue</span>'],

Like an ActiveForm widget

use vova07\imperavi\Widget;

echo $form->field($model, 'content')->widget(Widget::className(), [
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'plugins' => [
        'clips' => [
            ['Lorem ipsum...', 'Lorem...'],
            ['red', '<span class="label-red">red</span>'],
            ['green', '<span class="label-green">green</span>'],
            ['blue', '<span class="label-blue">blue</span>'],

Like a widget for a predefined textarea

echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'plugins' => [
        'clips' => [
            ['Lorem ipsum...', 'Lorem...'],
            ['red', '<span class="label-red">red</span>'],
            ['green', '<span class="label-green">green</span>'],
            ['blue', '<span class="label-blue">blue</span>'],

Add images that have already been uploaded

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'images-get' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetImagesAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/images/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'options' => ['only' => ['*.jpg', '*.jpeg', '*.png', '*.gif', '*.ico']], // These options are by default.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'imageUpload' => Url::to(['default/image-upload']),
        'imageManagerJson' => Url::to(['/default/images-get']),
        'plugins' => [

Add files that have already been uploaded

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'files-get' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetFilesAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/files/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'options' => ['only' => ['*.txt', '*.md']], // These options are by default.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'fileUpload' => Url::to(['default/file-upload']),
        'fileManagerJson' => Url::to(['/default/files-get']),
        'plugins' => [

Upload image

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'image-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/images/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'imageUpload' => Url::to(['/default/image-upload']),
        'plugins' => [

Upload file

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'file-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/files/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'uploadOnlyImage' => false, // For any kind of files uploading.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'fileUpload' => Url::to(['/default/file-upload']),
        'plugins' => [

Upload and replace a file with the same name

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'file-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/files/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'uploadOnlyImage' => false, // For any kind of files uploading.
            'unique' => false,
            'replace' => true, // By default it throw an excepiton instead.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'fileUpload' => Url::to(['/default/file-upload']),
        'plugins' => [

Upload file and translit its name

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'file-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/files/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'uploadOnlyImage' => false, // For any kind of files uploading.
            'unique' => false,
            'translit' => true,

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'fileUpload' => Url::to(['/default/file-upload']),
        'plugins' => [

Add custom plugins

echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'plugins' => [
    'plugins' => [
        'my-custom-plugin' => 'app\assets\MyPluginBundle',

Enable custom image manager with delete functionality

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'images-get' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetImagesAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/images/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
        'image-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/images/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
        'file-delete' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\DeleteFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/statics/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '/var/www/my-site.com/web/statics', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'imageUpload' => Url::to(['/default/image-upload']),
        'imageDelete' => Url::to(['/default/file-delete']),
        'imageManagerJson' => Url::to(['/default/images-get']),
    'plugins' => [
        'imagemanager' => 'vova07\imperavi\bundles\ImageManagerAsset',              

Enable custom file manager with delete functionality

// DefaultController.php
public function actions()
    return [
        'files-get' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\GetFilesAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/images/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
        'file-upload' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\UploadFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/files/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '@alias/to/my/path', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.
            'uploadOnlyImage' => false, // For any kind of files uploading.
        'file-delete' => [
            'class' => 'vova07\imperavi\actions\DeleteFileAction',
            'url' => 'http://my-site.com/statics/', // Directory URL address, where files are stored.
            'path' => '/var/www/my-site.com/web/statics', // Or absolute path to directory where files are stored.

// View.php
echo \vova07\imperavi\Widget::widget([
    'selector' => '#my-textarea-id',
    'settings' => [
        'lang' => 'ru',
        'minHeight' => 200,
        'fileUpload' => Url::to(['/default/file-upload']),
        'fileDelete' => Url::to(['/default/file-delete']),
        'fileManagerJson' => Url::to(['/default/files-get']),
    'plugins' => [
        'filemanager' => 'vova07\imperavi\bundles\FileManagerAsset',              


$ phpunit

Further Information

Please, check the Imperavi Redactor v10 documentation for further information about its configuration options.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The BSD License (BSD). Please see License File for more information.

Upgrade guide

Please check the UPGRADE GUIDE for details.



All notable changes to yii2-imperavi-widget will be documented in this file.



  • Fixed table.js bug by replacing size() with length. (bocceli)



  • Added Spanish translation for widget messages. (jcvalerio)



  • Completed Ukrainian translation. (Sensetivity)



  • Add Slovak language support. (snickom)



  • Fix the issue #130 add a custom clips throw settings. (bscheshirwork)



  • Prevent addition of wrong construction "="" into various tags. (solks)



  • Fix Ukrainian code inside of uk.js file. (do6po)



  • Fix for all webkit-based browsers. (bzz445)
  • Fix the file name for Ukrainian language. (vova07)



  • Minor documentation fixes. (vova07)



  • Minor documentation fixes. (vova07)



  • Fix the issue #112 related with multiple widget's instances assets registration. (vova07)
  • Adjust the documentation. (vova07)
  • Adjust the widget's actions documentation blocks. (vova07)
  • Refactor javascript custom plugins to use official registration approach. (vova07)



  • Fix numerous bugs and issue related with the redactor wrapper. (vova07)
  • Rewrite tests and fix travis suites. (vova07)
  • Replace UploadAction with UploadFileAction. (vova07)
  • Replace GetAction with two new actions: GetFilesAction and GetImagesAction. (vova07)
  • Add delete files functionality to file manager. (vova07)
  • Add delete images functionality to image manager. (vova07)
  • Add translit support to UploadFileAction. (vova07)
  • Add better error messages for unsuccessful requests on images and files upload. (vova07)
  • Remove FileHelper in favor of BaseFilehelper. (vova07)
  • Add localization for image manager and file manager. (vova07)
  • Add localization for fullscreen plugin. (vova07)


GitHub Stars
GitHub Forks



2.0.11 is the latest of 41 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
247 github stars & 99 github forks
521 downloads in the last day
10106 downloads in the last 30 days
826317 total downloads