Enum type behavior for Yii2 based on class constants.
Since 1.1.0 requires PHP >= 5.5
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist tigrov/yii2-enum
or add
"tigrov/yii2-enum": "~1.0"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, you can create an enum behavior as follow:
class Status extends \tigrov\enum\EnumBehavior
const ACTIVE = 'active';
const PENDING = 'pending';
const REJECTED = 'rejected';
const DELETED = 'deleted';
/** @var array list of attributes that are to be automatically humanized value */
public $attributes = ['status' => 'status_key'];
/** @var string|null a message category for translation the values */
public static $messageCategory = 'status';
Create a table with the enum field
->createTable('model', [
'id' => 'pk',
'status_key' => 'string',
Create a model for the table
class Model extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
* @inheritdoc
public function behaviors()
return [
// 'status' => [
// 'class' => Status::class,
// 'attributes' => ['status' => 'status_key'],
// ],
* @inheritdoc
public function rules()
return [
[['status_key'], 'in', 'range' => Status::codes()],
and then use them in your code
* @var ActiveRecord $model
$model = new Model;
$model->status_key = Status::PENDING;
// The field 'status' has humanize and translated value, see \yii\helpers\Inflector::humanize($word, true)
$model->status; // is 'Pending' or translated value
// To get all enum values
// To get a display value
Status::value(Status::PENDING); // is 'Pending' or translated value
Gender codes:
class GenderEnum extends \tigrov\enum\EnumBehavior
const MALE = 'M';
const FEMALE = 'F';
* @var array list of attributes that are to be automatically humanized value
* humanized => original attribute
public $attributes = ['gender' => 'gender_code'];
/** @var string|null a message category for translation the values */
public static $messageCategory = 'gender';
* Returns value for empty attribute value
* @return string|null
public static function emptyValue()
return static::t('Unspecified');
class Model extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
public function behaviors()
return [
public function rules()
return [
[['gender_code'], 'in', 'range' => GenderEnum::codes()],
$model->gender_code = GenderEnum::MALE; // is 'M'
// The field 'gender' has humanize and translated value
$model->gender; // is 'Male' or translated value
$model->gender_code = null;
$model->gender; // is 'Unspecified' or translated value. @see GenderEnum::emptyValue()
Messenger names:
class MessengerEnum extends \tigrov\enum\EnumBehavior
const SKYPE = 'skype';
const WHATSAPP = 'whatsapp';
const VIBER = 'viber';
const FACEBOOK = 'facebook';
const IMESSAGE = 'imessage';
const TELEGRAM = 'telegram';
const LINE = 'line';
const JABBER = 'jabber';
const QQ = 'qq';
const BLACKBERRY = 'blackberry';
const AIM = 'aim';
const EBUDDY = 'ebuddy';
const YAHOO = 'yahoo';
const OTHER = 'other';
/** @var array list of attributes that are to be automatically humanized value */
public $attributes = ['type' => 'type_key'];
* Values of Messengers
* @param bool $withEmpty with empty value at first
* @return array
public static function values($withEmpty = false)
$values = parent::values($withEmpty);
// Correct some values
$values['whatsapp'] = 'WhatsApp';
$values['imessage'] = 'iMessage';
$values['qq'] = 'QQ';
$values['blackberry'] = 'BlackBerry';
$values['aim'] = 'AIM';
$values['ebuddy'] = 'eBuddy';
$values['other'] = \Yii::t('enum', 'Other'),
return $values;
$model->type_key = MessengerEnum::WHATSAPP; // is 'whatsapp'
$model->type; // is 'WhatsApp'