YII 2 component for paystack payment integration
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require smladeoye/yii2-paystack
add '"smladeoye/yii2-paystack": "1.0.0"' to the require section of your composer.json file, then run:
composer install
In your configuration file (web.php) register the component with the necessary configurations, for example:
// ...
'Paystack' => [
'class' => 'smladeoye\paystack\Paystack',
'environment' => 'test',
// ...
// Initializing a payment transaction
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$transaction = $paystack->transaction();
// check if an error occured during the operation
if (!$transaction->hasError)
//response property for response gotten for any operation
$response = $transaction->getResponse()
// redirect the user to the payment page gotten from the initialization
// display message
echo $transaction->message;
// get all the errors information regarding the operation from paystack
$error = $transaction->getError();
There are seven operations available that can be performed which have been grouped based on Paystack's own grouping. Each of the operations also have their individual methods that can be called for performing different actions (create, list -- fetchAll, fetch, update,...) which can accept all the necessary parameters as an array.
The following are the available operations and methods (all sample codes are based on the demo configuration above):
customer: To initiatiate any customer operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$customer = $paystack->customer();
Distinct methods available to customer:
transaction: To initiate a transaction operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$transaction = $paystack->transaction();
Distinct methods available to transaction:
if (!$transaction->hasError)
$transaction->charge($options = []);
//An array could be provided instead with the available parameters in key => value format.
$transaction->export($options = []);
//get download link url
OR to download the file, call:
subscription: To initiate a subscription operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$subscription = $paystack->subscription();
Distinct methods available to subscription:
$subscription->enable($code, $token);
//an array can be provided instead, containing the necessary parameters as key => value
$subscription->disable($code, $token);
//an array can be provided instead, containing the necessary parameters as key => value
subaccount: To initiate a subaccount operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$subaccount = $paystack->subaccount();
Distinct methods available to subaccount:
$subaccount->enable($code, $token);
//an array can be provided instead, containing the necessary parameters as key => value
plan: To initiate a plan operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$plan = $paystack->plan();
Plan operation contains all the basic methods (create,fetch,fetchAll,update);
page: To initiate a page operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$page = $paystack->page();
Distinct methods available to page:
settlement: To initiate a settlement operation:
$paystack = Yii::$app->Paystack;
$settlement = $paystack->settlement();
Distinct methods available to settlement:
//an array can be provided instead, containing the necessary parameters as key => value
$customer->update($id,$info = array();
The component also supports event handling before and after every request. You can read more on YII2 EVENTS [HERE] (http://www.yiiframework.com/doc-2.0/guide-concept-events.html). You can set the event handler by configuring the property beforeSend - (event before sending the request) and the afterSend - (event after sending the request). The event handlers can be set for all operations or for specific operations; event handlers set for specific operations overwrites the one set for all operations. Example:
'Paystack' => [
'class' => 'smladeoye\paystack\Paystack',
...//other configurations just like example above
//setting the event handler for all operations before any request is made
//will set the event handler for all operations after any request is made
//setting the event handler for the transaction operation; this will overwrite the event handlers above
//handler for the event before any request is made for a transaction operation
//handler for the event after any request is made for a transaction operation
To use the widget, call the widget from your view and set the widget parameters, example:
use smladeoye\paystack\widget\PaystackWidget;
echo PaystackWidget::widget(
//set the text to be displayed on the button
//array to set other button attributes like id, class,style etc
'class'=>'btn btn-danger',
'style'=>'width: 80px;',
//array to set all necessary paystack inline payment options
//some values can be set dynamically by passing the element id as value (email,amount,currency,quantity)
//your paystack public key
//'amount' => '#amount' --> the value is gotten from the html element with id = amount
// OR
//'currency' => '#currency' --> the value is gotten from the html element with id = currency
// OR
'currency' =>'NGN',
'plan' =>'my-plan',
//'quantity' => '#quantity' --> the value is gotten from the html element with id = quantity
// OR
'quantity' =>'2',
//callbackUrl can be set, where the tansaction reference would be passed as GET parameter
'callbackUrl' =>'www.google.com',
//also u can override the default with the callback option, simply provide javascript anonymous function as a string