Packagist composer package browser for Yii2 Framework
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require --prefer-dist schmunk42/yii2-packaii "*"
or add
"schmunk42/yii2-packaii": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, load the module in your application config:
'modules' => [
'packaii' => [
'class' => 'schmunk42\packaii\Module'
Setup a project root alias:
'aliases' => [
'@root' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../'), // path to your composer.json file
For easy access, we also recommend you to add the packaii panel to the debug toolbar:
'panels' => [
'packaii' => ['class' => 'schmunk42\packaii\panels\PackaiiPanel',],
Since you may hit the GitHub API limit of 50 requests per hour for unauthorized clients pretty fast. You can add your GitHub username and password to the config:
'modules' => [
'packaii' => [
'gitHubUsername' => 'your_username',
'gitHubPassword' => 'super_secrect'
Follow the panel link to http://application/web/index.php?r=packaii. On the index page you'll see some basic information about the packages installed.
You can search packages locally or on Packagist with the search box on the left sidebar. After selecting a package, the README file and some action buttons for installing, updating or removing a package will be displayed.
Please note that packaii is currently not executing any composer
actions directly, but it will give you the commands
ready to copy and paste into your console.
Open http://your-application/index.php?r=debug/default/view&panel=packaii to check the module status.
No stable releases.