This package is no longer supported because MaxMind no longer supports the correct version of the database. Use official package geoip2/geoip2.
Install php5-geoip
Add in composer.json
"require": {
"rmrevin/yii2-geoip": "~1.1"
In view
// ...
/** @var \rmrevin\yii\geoip\HostInfo $Info */
$Info = \Yii::createObject([
'class' => '\rmrevin\yii\geoip\HostInfo',
'host' => '', // some host or ip
// check available
// obtaining all data
// obtaining the individual parameters
$Info->getContinentCode(); // NA
$Info->getCountryCode(); // US
$Info->getCountryCode3(); // USA
$Info->getCountryName(); // United States
$Info->getRegion(); // MI
$Info->getRegionName(); // Michigan
$Info->getCity(); // Southfield
$Info->getPostalCode(); // 48075
$Info->getLatitude(); // 42.465000152588
$Info->getLongitude(); // -83.230697631836
$Info->getDmaCode(); // 505
$Info->getAreaCode(); // 248
$Info->getTimeZone(); // America/New_York
Q: I get error Required database not available at /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat.
. What to do?
A: Download this file (this file is no more available) and ungzip it into /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat