ptrnov/yii2-postman4excel Excel on view or console cronjobs


Postman Excel for Yii 2

Base On scotthuangzl (ptrnov update)

Postman Excel Export for view or console cronjobs, mail postman


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist ptrnov/yii2-postman4excel "*"

or add

"ptrnov/yii2-postman4excel": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :

    use ptrnov\postman4excel\Postman4ExcelBehavior;
    public function behaviors(){
            'export4excel' => [
                'class' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::className(),
                'downloadPath'=>'your path'     //defult "/vendor/ptrnov/yii2-postman4excel/tmp/", Ecample Windows path "d:/folder/"
                'widgetType'=>'download'        //download web browser, delete before download, tmp_download
                //'widgetType'=>'cronjob'       //console method, folder tmp_cronjob
                //'widgetType'=>'mail'          //posman mail, folder tmp_mail
                //'widgetType'=>''              //Empty same download, file  stay on folder "tmp_mix"
                //'prefixStr' => yii::$app->user->identity->username,
                //'suffixStr' => date('Ymd-His'),

    // localhost/yourController/test-export
    public function actionTestExport()
        //get data from database
        $sqlDataProvider= new ArrayDataProvider([
                SELECT id, username FROM user

        /*Array Model Data*/
        $excel_dataAll = Postman4ExcelBehavior::excelDataFormat($arySqlDataProvider);   (not used for columnGroup just put 'ceils' => $arySqlDataProvider)
        $excel_ceilsAll = $excel_dataAll['excel_ceils'];
        $excel_title1 = $excel_dataAll['excel_title'];
        $excel_title2 = ['ID','USERNAME'];

        //Tite Header From Table Name
        //$excel_title = $excel_dataAll['excel_title'];

        //Tite Header From Modify byself
        //$excel_title = ['ID','USERNAME']

        //Note 'sheet_title'
        //old version : 'sheet_title' => $excel_title,
        //new Version : 'sheet_title' => [$excel_title1,$excel_title2,$excel_title3, dst],

        $excel_content = [
                'sheet_name' => 'TEST EXPORT 1 old version',
                'sheet_title' => $excel_title1,                     //old version               
                'ceils' => $excel_ceilsAll,// atau langsung $arySqlDataProvider;
                    //for use column Group.
                    //noted: 'ceils' => "Array Source", not need difinition "Postman4ExcelBehavior::excelDataFormat($array source);"
                    //'columnGroup'=>Name of Field//column group difinition.
                'columnGroup'=>['ID'],//column for grouping.
                'autoSize'=>true,   //true/false.
                //'freezePane' => 'A2',
                'headerColor' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("header"),  //All Header Color font and Backgroud
                'headerColumnCssClass' => [                         //old version
                        'id' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass('yellow'),
                        'username' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass('green'),
                         'ID' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass('red'),  
                         'USERNAME' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass('green'),                          

               'oddCssClass' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("odd"),
               'evenCssClass' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("even"),
                'sheet_name' => 'TEST EXPORT 2 new version ',
                //'sheet_title' => [$excel_title1],                 //new version | one Header
                'sheet_title' => [                                  //new version | two or more Header
                ],  //new version               
                'ceils' => $excel_ceilsAll,
                //'freezePane' => 'E2',
                'headerColor' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("header"),  //old Version | All Header Color font and Backgroud            
                /* --------------------------------------------------------
                 * customize Header properties
                 * Color Ref:
                 * columnAutoSize=false, width is Active
                 * 'merge'=>'col,row'
                 * Content properties, validate on use last column title
                 * --------------------------------------------------------
                'headerStyle' => [                                  //new version
                    [   //the first Header                      
                        'id' => ['align'=>'CENTER','color-font'=>'0000FF','color-background'=>'FFCCCC','merge'=>'0,2','width'=>'2,0'],
                        'username' => ['align'=>'left','color-font'=>'FF0000','color-background'=>'CCFF99','merge'=>'2,1','width'=>'32.29','valign'=>'center','wrap'=>true], 
                    [   //The second Header
                         'ID' =>  ['align'=>'right','color-font'=>'0000FF','color-background'=>'CCFFCC'],
                         'USERNAME' =>  ['align'=>'right','color-font'=>'000000','color-background'=>'FFFF99'],              
                'contentStyle' => [                                 //new version
                    [//the first Content
                        //'id' => ['align'=>'left'],
                        //'username' => ['align'=>'right'],
                    [//The second Content
                        'ID' =>  ['align'=>'center','color-font'=>'0000FF'],
                        'USERNAME' =>  ['align'=>'center','color-font'=>'0000FF'],               
               'oddCssClass' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("odd"),
               'evenCssClass' => Postman4ExcelBehavior::getCssClass("even"),


        $excelFile = "TestExport";
        $this->export4excel($excel_content, $excelFile);    


Change Log: `yii2-postman4excel`

## Version 2.4.6, 
**Date:** 2017-02-08
1. (chg): font-size.
2. (enh): ColumnGrouping (Grouping Rows).
3. (enh): OutlineLevel (level1 dan level2).
4. (enh): Active Column.['outline1','outline2']
5. (chg): Postman4ExcelBehavior::excelDataFormat. (can used/not).
6. (chg): autoSize. (Autosize per-sheet content),

## Version 2.4.5, 
**Date:** 2017-02-06
1. (chg): columnAutoSize.
2. (chg): headerStyle width (columnAutoSize==false)
3. (enh): valign
4. (enh): Text Wrap

## Version 2.4.4, 
**Date:** 2016-10-06
1. (bug): path custimize

## Version 2.4.3, 
**Date:** 2016-08-18
1. (bug): containStyle

## Version 2.4.2, 
**Date:** 2016-08-14
1. (bug): excelDataFormat, validate array
2. (bug): headerStyle merge

## Version 2.4.1, 
**Date:** 2016-08-14
1. (bug): containStyle.

## Version 2.4.0, 
**Date:** 2016-08-14
1. (bug): headerStyle merge (mergeCells). merge(col,row)
2. (enh): columnAutoSize
3. (enh): headerStyle width (columnAutoSize==false)
4. (enh): containStyle color-font

## Version 2.2.0
**Date:** 2016-08-11
1. (enh): containStyle (customize  contain property column align).. 

## Version 2.1.1
**Date:** 2016-08-11
1. (rem): ceils_start_rows  = remove. 
2. (rem): ceils_start_rows = change on sheet_title.
3. (chg): sheet_title = [array1,array2,array3, etc..].
4. (enh): headerColumnCssClass =[[array1],[array1],[array3],[etc..]].
5. (enh) : headerStyle (customize  property colum header align,color-font,color-background).

## Version 2.0.1
**Date:** 2016-08-10
1. (rem) : remove DownloadAction. 
2. (enh):downloadPath : customize add.
3. (enh): widgetType [download,cronjob,mail] = add.
4. (enh): ceils_start_rows (header row1 and header row2).

## Version 2.0.0
**Date:** 2016-08-09
1. (dev):Export Excel default by scotthuangzl/yii2-export2excel.

## Version 1.0.0
1. Test dev.

**Date:** 24-Juli-2016
- Initial release 
- Refrensi version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH [1.0.0] (
- Sub repo split from [yii2-postman4excel](


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2.4.7 is the latest of 12 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
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