yii2 bootstrap-duallistbox wrapper of: https://github.com/istvan-ujjmeszaros/bootstrap-duallistbox
For plugin options, pls. check out the site from the plugin creator
Yii2 Extension by philipp@frenzel.net
Package is although registered at packagist.org - so you can just add one line of code, to let it run!
add the following line to your composer.json require section:
or run:
$ php composer.phar require philippfrenzel/yii2bsduallistbox "*"
And ensure, that you have the following plugin installed global:
php composer.phar global require "fxp/composer-asset-plugin:~1.0"
04-02-2017 Initial upload
Quickstart Looks like this:
use net\frenzel\yii2bsduallistbox\yii2bsduallistbox;
$options = [
'multiple' => true,
'size' => 20,
// echo Html::listBox($name, $selection, $items, $options);
echo yii2bsduallistbox::widget([
'name' => $name,
'selection' => $selection,
'items' => $items,
'options' => $options,
'clientOptions' => [
'moveOnSelect' => false,
'selectedListLabel' => 'Selected Items',
'nonSelectedListLabel' => 'Available Items',