pa3py6aka/yii2-modal-alert-widget Modal alert widget for Yii2


Yii2 Modal Alert Widget

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This widget show bootstrap modal or magnific popup when you set session flash message.

Supports all bootstrap versions - 3,4 and 5.

For magnific popups you must install magnific js before using this widget -

And for bootstrap modals of course you must set up bootstrap in your project.


Install with composer:

composer require pa3py6aka/yii2-modal-alert-widget

or add

"pa3py6aka/yii2-modal-alert-widget": "^1.4"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


In controller set flash message:

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('success', 'My Message');

In your layout view show this widget:

<?php use pa3py6aka\yii2\ModalAlert; ?>
<?= ModalAlert::widget() ?>

By default widget using bootstrap 4 modal. Use type property to switch to another modal type:

<?p= ModalAlert::widget(['type' => ModalAlert::TYPE_BOOTSTRAP_5]) ?>

You can set flashes with titles:

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', [['My Title', 'My Message']]);

Available options

type - Type of alert - bootstrap 3/4/5 jquery or magnific popup, defaults to bootstrap 4. Bootstrap 5 type has two versions - with jQuery enabled and without jQuery. Use declared constants to set type (like ModalAlert::TYPE_BOOTSTRAP_5_JQUERY). See available types in source code.

popupCssClass - CSS class for modal(popup).

popupId - Modal(popup) ID.

magnificPopupType - Type of magnific popup, defaults to "inline". See available types in official magnific popup guide.

popupView - Path to your custom view for render modal(popup). You can copy original view from vendor/pa3py6aka/yii2-modal-alert-widget/src/views and customize it.

showTime - Time in seconds after which the modal window will be automatically closed (0 means that modal will be closed only by user)

modalSize - Bootstrap Modal size, available size modal-sm, modal-lg, modal-xl, and modal-fullscreen (for Bootstrap 5 only), default to ''


<?= ModalAlert::widget([
    'popupCssClass' => 'my-custom-class',
    'popupView' => '@app/views/common/my-custom-alert',
]) ?>

Then, set flash:

Yii::$app->session->setFlash('error', [['Terrible mistake!', "Sorry, you can't sign up, because your karma is very small"]]);

And we get: Alt text


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1.4.0 is the latest of 12 releases

MIT license
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14 downloads in the last 30 days
2293 total downloads