Yii2 helper class for registering structured data markup in JSON-LD format.
Add extension to your composer.json
and update your dependencies as usual, e.g. by running composer update
"require": {
"nirvana-msu/yii2-jsonld-helper": "1.0.*@dev"
To let search engines know how to display your website name in search results, you can add the following JSON-LD document somewhere on your landing page:
$doc = (object)[
"@type" => "http://schema.org/WebSite",
"http://schema.org/name" => Yii::$app->params['brand'],
"http://schema.org/url" => Yii::$app->urlManager->hostInfo
You may pass $context
as an optional second parameter if you need to use something other than default ["@vocab" => "http://schema.org/"]
JsonLDHelper::add($doc, $context);
Note that doing so may cause resulting script to not pass validation by the Google's [SDTT] (https://search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool) - refer this this stackoverflow question for details.
You can also use JsonLDHelper::addBreadcrumbList
to add BreadcrumbList
schema.org markup
based on the application view breadcrumbs
parameter. E.g. in the beginning of your layout add:
Finally, you must invoke JsonLDHelper::registerScripts
method in the <head>
section of your layout, e.g.
<!-- ... -->
<?php JsonLDHelper::registerScripts(); ?>
<?php $this->head() ?>
$doc = [
"@type" => "http://schema.org/BlogPosting",
"http://schema.org/mainEntityOfPage" => (object)[
"@type" => "http://schema.org/WebPage",
"@id" => "http://example.com/awesome-blog-post",
"http://schema.org/headline" => "Post Title",
"http://schema.org/articleBody" => "Post Body",
"http://schema.org/author" => (object)[
"@type" => "http://schema.org/Person",
"http://schema.org/name" => "Jon Snow",
"http://schema.org/url" => "http://example.com",
"http://schema.org/sameAs" => [
Note that this extension is just a thin wrapper around lanthaler/JsonLD processor - refer to this library for the full documentation.
Extension is released under MIT license.
No stable releases.