miserenkov/yii2-sms Yii2 component for sending SMS messages


Yii2 Sms component

Yii2 component for sending SMS messages through Smsc

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist miserenkov/yii2-sms "^1.0"

or add

"miserenkov/yii2-sms": "^1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


To use sender, you should configure it in the application configuration like the following

'components' => [
    'sms' => [
        'class' => 'miserenkov\sms\Sms',
        'gateway' => 'smsc.ua',     // gateway, through which will sending sms, default 'smsc.ua'
        'login' => '',              // login
        'password' => '',           // password or lowercase password MD5-hash
        'senderName' => '',         // sender name
        'options' => [
            'useHttps' => true,     // use secure HTTPS connection, default true

Available gateways

\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_UKRAINE,     // smsc.ua
\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_RUSSIA,      // smsc.ru
\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_KAZAKHSTAN,  // smsc.kz
\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_TAJIKISTAN,  // smsc.tj
\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_UZBEKISTAN,  // smsc.uz
\miserenkov\sms\Sms::GATEWAY_WORLD,       // smscentre.com

Messages logging

'components' => [
    'sms' => [
        'logging' => [
            'class' => '',          // optionaly, default to miserenkov\sms\logging\Logger
            'connection' => 'db'    // string or array to database connection
            'tableName' => ''       // database table name, optionaly, default to {{%sms_log}}

Basic usages

Get balance

 * return an float in case of successful or false in case of error 

Sending message

 * $phones an string for single number or array for multiple numbers
 * $message an string
 * return an string sms identifier in case successful or false in case error
Yii::$app->sms->send($phones, $message);

Get message status

 * $id sms identifier
 * $phone phone number of recipient
 * return an array [
 *      status           - status code
 *      status_message   - status message
 *      err              - error code
 *      err_message      - error message
 *      send_time        - timestamp of send
 *      cost             - message cost
 *      operator         - recipient operator
 *      region           - recipient region
 * ] in case successful or false in case error
Yii::$app->sms->getStatus($id, $phone);


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v1.2.1 is the latest of 4 releases

MIT license
4 github stars & 4 github forks
9 downloads in the last day
373 downloads in the last 30 days
36316 total downloads