mickgeek/yii2-daslider A content slider with delayed animations and the background parallax effect.


Delayed Animation Slider

Delayed Animation Slider is a simple content slider for the Yii 2 framework with animations for each slider element and the background parallax effect.


Real Demo


You can install the widget using Composer. Just run the following command under your application folder:

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist mickgeek/yii2-daslider


use yii\helpers\Html;
use mickgeek\daslider\Widget as DaSlider;

<?php DaSlider::begin([
    'clientOptions' => ['bgincrement' => 10, 'interval' => 3000],
]); ?>
    <div class="da-slide">
        <p>Opera is a web browser developed by Opera Software. The latest version currently runs on Microsoft Windows and OS X operating systems and uses the Blink layout engine.</p>
        <?= Html::a('Read more', '#', ['class' => 'da-link btn btn-default btn-lg']) ?>

        <div class="da-img">
            <?= Html::img('/img/1.png', ['alt' => 'Opera']) ?>
    <div class="da-slide">
        <p>CloneDVD is a proprietary DVD cloning software, developed by Elaborate Bytes, that can be used to make backup copies of any DVD movie not copy-protected.</p>
        <?= Html::a('Read more', '#', ['class' => 'da-link btn btn-default btn-lg']) ?>

        <div class="da-img">
            <?= Html::img('/img/2.png', ['alt' => 'CloneDVD']) ?>
<?php DaSlider::end(); ?>

Widget Properties

  • registerModernizr: boolean, whether the Modernizr JavaScript library should be registered.

  • options: array, the HTML attributes for the widget container tag. See renderTagAttributes() for details on how attributes are being rendered.

  • clientOptions: array, options for the widget. The possible options:

    • current: integer, a number of the current slide.
    • bgincrement: integer, an increment of the background position when sliding (the parallax effect).
    • autoplay: boolean, whether to display the slideshow.
    • interval: integer, a duration between the transitions.


This extension is released under the BSD 3-Clause License. See the bundled LICENSE.md for details.


Delayed Animation Slider Changelog

Version 1.0.0 August 16, 2014

  • Initial release


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1.0.0 is the latest of one release

BSD-3-Clause license
3 github stars & 1 github forks
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393 total downloads