GoogleMaps Widget displays a set of user addresses as markers on the map.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require loveorigami/yii2-gmap "*"
or add
"loveorigami/yii2-gmap": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json.
To configure the Google Maps key or other options like language, version, library, or map options:
echo lo\widgets\gmap\MarkersWidget::widget([
'googleMapsUrlOptions' => [
'key' => 'this_is_my_key',
'language' => 'id',
'version' => '3.1.18',
'googleMapsOptions' => [
'mapTypeId' => 'roadmap',
'tilt' => 45,
'zoom' => 5,
OR via yii params configuration. For example:
'params' => [
'googleMapsUrlOptions' => [
'key' => 'this_is_my_key',
'language' => 'id',
'version' => '3.1.18',
'googleMapsOptions' => [
'mapTypeId' => 'roadmap',
'tilt' => 45,
'zoom' => 10,
To get key, please visit page
Google Maps Options you can find them on the options page
To use GoogleMaps, you need to configure its [[locations]] property. For example:
echo lo\widgets\gmap\MarkersWidget::widget([
'position' => [$model->lat, $model->lng],
'open' => true,
'content' => $model->name,
'position' => [45.143400, -5.372400],
'content' => 'My Marker',
Declare model class which will save geographic coordinates:
class SearchLocation extends \yii\base\Model
public $address;
public $longitude;
public $latitude;
Render widget:
$model = new SearchLocation();
$form = \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin();
$form->field($model, 'address')->widget(\lo\widgets\gmap\SelectMapLocationWidget::class, [
'attributeLatitude' => 'latitude',
'attributeLongitude' => 'longitude',
To use movable marker on the map describe draggable option:
$model = new SearchLocation();
$form = \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin();
$form->field($model, 'address')->widget(\lo\widgets\gmap\SelectMapLocationWidget::className(), [
'attributeLatitude' => 'latitude',
'attributeLongitude' => 'longitude',
'draggable' => true,
To use custom field template use placeholder {map} for ActiveField:
$model = new SearchLocation();
$form = \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::begin();
$form->field($model, 'address', [
'template' => '{label}<div class="custom-class"><div class="form-control">{input}</div>{map}</div>{error}',
])->widget(\lo\widgets\gmap\SelectMapLocationWidget::className(), [
'attributeLatitude' => 'latitude',
'attributeLongitude' => 'longitude',
No stable releases.