A customizable AjaxQ jQuery plugin for Yii2 based on Ajaxq.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require "loveorigami/yii2-ajaxq" "*"
or add
"loveorigami/yii2-ajaxq" : "*"
to the require section of your application's composer.json
use lo\widgets\Ajaxq;
echo Ajaxq::widget([
'url' => '/site/demo',
// 'success' =>'$(".res").html(res)',
// 'tpl' => 'from_to' // default view for generating ajax requests
* Controller name - Site
* Demo for ajaxq request
* @return json
public function actionDemo()
$post = \Yii::$app->request->post('dataq'); // get associative array dataq
\Yii::$app->response->format = \yii\web\Response::FORMAT_JSON;
$data['id'] = $post['id'];
$data['mes'] = $post['id'].' - It is ok!';
$res = print_r($data, true);
echo json_encode($res);