insolita/yii2-arsync This behavior for automatic or manual sync data between two models, without declaration relation. This behavior must be attached on master model. Main purposes - for sync rarely modified data from more reliable database storage to redis storage for frequently access; Support actual data state in some development cases;


ActiveRecord Synchronization Behavior

This behavior for automatic or manual sync data between two models, without declaration relation. This behavior must be attached on master model. Main purposes - for sync rarely modified data from more reliable database storage to redis storage for frequently access; Support actual data state in some development cases;


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist insolita/yii2-arsync "*"

or add

"insolita/yii2-arsync": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by : See more in code

public function behaviors(){
    return [
                    'class'      => ArSyncBehavior::class,
                    'slaveModel' => \your\model\namespase\Slave::className(),
                          throw new InvalidConfigException('fail save ');
                        Yii::error('fail delete '.$slave->getPrimaryKey());
                    'fieldMap' => [
                        'title' => 'name',
                        'foo'   => 'foo',
                        'bar'   => 'bar',
                        'baz'   => function($master)
                            return $master->baz * 2;


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