The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-taxonomy "*"
or add
"infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-taxonomy": "*"
to the require section of your composer.json
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your backend configuration as follows (if you have the infoweb/cms module installed):
'modules' => [
'taxonomy' => [
'class' => 'infoweb\taxonomy\Module',
'cms' => [
'sideBarItems' => [
'modules' => [
'label' => 'Taxonomy',
'i18nGroup' => 'infoweb/taxonomy',
'url' => '/taxonomy/term',
'authItem' => 'showTaxonomyModule',
Import the translations and use category 'infoweb/taxonomy':
yii i18n/import @infoweb/taxonomy/messages
To use the module, execute yii migration
yii migrate/up --migrationPath=@vendor/infoweb-internet-solutions/yii2-taxonomy/migrations
No stable releases.