ijackua/yii2-kudos-widget Yii2 widget for Svbtle style Kudos. Based on JS from https://github.com/masukomi/kudos



Yii2 widget for Svbtle style Kudos. Based on JS from https://github.com/masukomi/kudos


On posts details page of my blog or original JS widget demo

Usage example

            'widgetId' => 'post',  // unique id of widget on page, to allow more than one widget on the page
            'uid' => $post->id,  // uid of Kudoable element, for stat count
            'count' => $post->kudos, // initial Kudos value, to display
            'onAdded' => 'function (event) {
        // JS callback on Kudo +1 , you can do what ever you want here
        // for example send AJAX request to track stats
        var uid = $(this).data("uid");
        $.post("/kudo/plus/post/" + uid);}',
            'onRemoved' => 'function (event) {
        // JS callback on Kudo -1, send another AJAX request to track stats
        var uid = $(this).data("uid");
        $.post("/kudo/minus/post/" + uid);}',

Tracking and stat storage server side you should implement yourself what ever you want.


is used to keep widget state for each user personally. It uses widgetId|uid key to be unique for multiple widgets on the site. And does not pollute request Headers with extra Cookies (if someone Kuoded a lot of your pages).


  • onActive is sent when you hover over the object (the circle is growing)
  • onInactive is sent when you mouse-off the object
  • onAdded is sent when you successfully kudo something
  • onRemoved is sent when you un-kudo something

Advanced usage with custom icons inside widget

I am using font-smiley from http://fontello.com/ Custom icon-font should be prepared and connected to the page, then you can adjust smiley look and feel via CSS and add them inside Kudos widget like this

            'widgetId' => 'post',
            'uid' => $post->id,
            'count' => $post->kudos,
            'defaultClass' => 'icon icon-emo-thumbsup',
            'onAdded' => 'function (event) {
        var uid = $(this).data("uid");
        $.post("/kudo/plus/post/" + uid);}',
            'onRemoved' => 'function (event) {
        var uid = $(this).data("uid");
        $.post("/kudo/minus/post/" + uid);}',


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1.0.0 is the latest of one release

MIT license
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