hunwalk/yii2-basic-firestarter Yii 2 Firestarter Project Template



Yii 2 Basic Firestarter

This project is discontinued

Please follow this link if you want something similar to this project:

This is a somewhat modified version of the basic template with some pregonfigured features. I've created this to save time upon creating a new project.

Please leave a star if you're considering to use this template in production.


$ git clone <projectName>
$ cd <projectName>
$ composer install
$ composer run-script post-create-project-cmd

post-create-project-cmd script sets up the permissions for some folders and generates the cookieValidationKey for you


1st step

Create a .env file from the .env.example


$ cp .env.example .env


$ copy .env.example .env

2nd step

  • Fill in the .env file. Add or remove things, it's your choice entirely

  • Run the following commands

    $ php yii migrate-user
    $ php yii migrate-rbac
    $ php yii migrate

    3rd step

  • Run the server and be happy :)

    $ php yii serve

About the API

You can reach the api at api/v1 There is an example controller you can test. That is purely for demonstration, and can be better.

Update user profile using the api (This is purely for testing purposes)

Read this carefully, if you've never done something like this.

  1. Start the server
  2. Pop up your favourite api client
  3. Set the url to api/v1/user/settings/profile
  4. Set up a header with the key Authorization
  5. The Authorization header value should be your token.
  6. Keep in mind, that the token will expire within 60 seconds
  7. Do a get request with these settings.
  8. You should get back the users profile
  9. Now do a post request. The body should be x-www-form-urlencoded
  10. The key value pairs should be Profile[name] = {yourname}
  11. Send. :smile:

If you did everything right, you should get back the updated profile.

Some additional information

The token looks like this:


It has 3 parts. The user_id, the current timestamp, and the users api_key sha1 hashed together with the current timestamp.

You can find more information about generating that token inside the v1 modules DefaultController Also, you should delete that before going to production.

You can obtain the users api_key from the user table in the api_key column.

Use Conventional Commits

Thanks to the conventional commits project and this guy:

It seems like, something broke after i released this update, and the fire/commit command does not really work. Requires some tweaking, but definitely going to fix this sometime. However feel free to use the idea of the conventional commits. It's really great :smile:


  • [x] Correct testing
  • [x] Mention every 3rd party package here (i hope i did, open an issue if something is missing)
  • [x] Test the API key functionality (tested, now it should work)
  • [x] Make a v1 api module with contentNegotiation HttpBearerAuth and verbFilter by default

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Send a PR if you have one :)


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2.0.19 is the latest of 25 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
34 github stars & 1 github forks
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107 total downloads