fgh151/yii2-beanstalk-singleton Trait for only one instance of beanstalk worker


Yii2 beanstalk singleton trait

Trait for only one instance of beanstalk worker


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist fgh151/yii2-beanstalk-singleton "*"

or add

"fgh151/yii2-beanstalk-singleton": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, add trait to beanstalk controller

class TestController extends udokmeci\yii2beanstalk\BeanstalkController
    use fgh151\beanstalk\Singleton;


Now you have additional commands:

./yii test/status

it will print pid of current process or "Not active" if worker not run

./yii test/halt

it will halt current worker

PHP >= 5.4

If you use php >= 5.4, you mas override construct and destruct methods:

class BuildController extends BeanstalkController
    use fgh151\beanstalk\Singleton {
        Singleton::__construct as private __TraitConstruct;
        Singleton::__destruct as private __TraitDestruct;

    public function __construct($id, Module $module, array $config)
        $this->__TraitConstruct($id, $module, $config);

    public function __destruct()


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v0.0.2 is the latest of 2 releases

MIT license
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