dpodium/yii2-widget-upload-crop Yii2 widget for file upload and allow user to zoom and crop the image


Yii2 Upload Crop Widget

========== Yii2 widget that enhance file input with crop and zoom features.

Based on package cyneek/yii2-widget-upload-crop by Joseba Juániz.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require dpodium/yii2-widget-upload-crop "*"

or add

"dpodium/yii2-widget-upload-crop": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


This widget is ready with all required scripts in it's assets, just call the widget to render it:

echo \dpodium\yii2\widget\upload\crop\UploadCrop::widget(
        'form' => $form,
        'model' => $fileModel,
        'attribute' => 'avatar',
        'maxSize' => 300,
        'imageSrc' => (isset($imageSrc)) ? $$imageSrc : '',
        'title' => Yii::t('admin', 'Crop photo'),
        'changePhotoTitle' => Yii::t('admin', 'Change photo'),
        'jcropOptions' => [
            'dragMode' => 'move',
            'viewMode' => 1,
            'autoCropArea' => '0.1',
            'restore' => false,
            'guides' => false,
            'center' => false,
            'movable' => true,
            'highlight' => false,
            'cropBoxMovable' => false,
            'cropBoxResizable' => false,
            'background' => false,
            'minContainerHeight' => 500,
            'minCanvasHeight' => 400,
            'minCropBoxWidth' => 200,
            'minCropBoxHeight' => 200,
            'responsive' => true,
            'toggleDragModeOnDblclick' => false

Widget method options

  • model (string) (Mandatory)

    Defines the model that will be used to make the form input field. You may use DynamicForm for it.

  • attribute (string) (Mandatory)

    Defines the model attribute that will be used to make de form input field. If using dynamicform, just create a temporary attribute, eg. 'image'.

  • form (ActiveForm) (optional)

    Its the ActiveForm object that defines the form in which the widget it's included. It will be used to inherit the form config when making the input field.

  • enableClientValidation (boolean) (optional)

    Used when the form option it's not defined. It establishes if it's or isn't activated in the widget input fields the Yii2 javaScript client validation.

  • imageOptions (array) (optional)

    List with options that will be added to the image field that will be used to define the crop data in the modal. The format should be ['option' => 'value'].

  • jcropOptions (array) (optional)

    List with options that will be added in javaScript while creating the crop object. For more information about which options can be added you can read this web.

  • maxSize (integer) (optional)

    Being 300 by default, it's the attribute that defines the max-height and max-width that will be applied to the preview image that it's shown after selecting a crop zone.

Recovering form image and crop data

The form will send to the server the data this way:

  • Image file: it must be assigned to the model attribute itself in the usual way. For example

  • Cropping values: they will be sent to Yii 2 in array form:

      array(4) {
            string(1) "12"
            string(3) "400"
            string(1) "0"
            string(3) "297"


    use yii\base\DynamicModel;
    use yii\web\UploadedFile;
    use yii\imagine\Image;
    use Imagine\Image\Box;
    $uploadParam = 'avatar';
    $maxSize = 2097152;
    $extensions = 'jpeg, jpg, png, gif';
    $width = 200;
    $height = 200;
    if (Yii::$app->request->isPost) {
        $model = new DynamicModel([$uploadParam]);
        $model->{$uploadParam} = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, $uploadParam);
        $model->addRule($uploadParam, 'image', [
            'maxSize' => $maxSize,
            'extensions' => explode(', ', $extensions),

        if ($model->hasErrors()) {
            Yii::$app->session->setFlash("warning", $model->getFirstError($uploadParam));
        } else {
            $name = Yii::$app->user->id . '.png';
            $cropInfo = Yii::$app->request->post('cropping');

            try {
                $image = Image::crop(
                    [$cropInfo['x'], $cropInfo['y']]
                    new Box($width, $height)
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                Yii::$app->session->setFlash("warning", $e->getMessage());

            //upload and save db
            $path = 'images/'.$name;
            if (isset($image) && $image->save($path)) {
                //store your image info to db here
                Yii::$app->session->setFlash("success", Yii::t('alert', 'Avatar upload success.'));
            } else {
                Yii::$app->session->setFlash("warning", Yii::t('alert', 'Avatar upload failed.'));
        return $this->redirect(['account/index']);
    } else {
        throw new BadRequestHttpException(Yii::t('cropper', 'ONLY_POST_REQUEST'));


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  • 0.517 May 2017
  • 0.407 February 2017
  • 0.322 February 2016
  • 0.222 February 2016
  • 0.122 February 2016


0.5 is the latest of 5 releases

BSD license
5 github stars & 3 github forks
11 downloads in the last day
206 downloads in the last 30 days
13569 total downloads