Yii2 Component to allow for easy usage of the MaxMind Free dbs.
Based on package phiphi1992/Yii2-GeoIP by Phi Hoang Xuan.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require dpodium/yii2-geoip "~2.0.0"
or add
"dpodium/yii2-geoip": "~2.0.0"
to the require section of your composer.json
Version ~2.0.0 uses the new GeoLite2 version of the db instead of the Legacy GeoLite which is now deprecated.
Database can be found here: https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/
Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:
return [
'components' => [
'geoip' => [
'class' => 'dpodium\yii2\geoip\components\CGeoIP',
'support_ipv6' => false, //Default value
If querying full City data is required, yii2-geoip-city-db must be required as well, see dpodium/yii2-geoip-city-db.
For more information on the data availability, see below.
All methods accept an IP address as an argument. If no argument is supplied Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP() is used.
//Along with free DB
$location = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupLocation();
$countryCode = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupCountryCode();
$countryName = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupCountryName();
Location attributes:
$location->countryCode //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->countryName //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->continentCode //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->continentName //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->city //Available in only City DB
$location->postalCode //Available in only City DB
$location->latitude //Available in only City DB
$location->longitude //Available in only City DB
$location->timeZone //Available in only City DB