dpodium/yii2-geoip Yii2 Component to allow for easy usage of the MaxMind Free dbs.


Yii2 GeoIP

Yii2 Component to allow for easy usage of the MaxMind Free dbs.

Based on package phiphi1992/Yii2-GeoIP by Phi Hoang Xuan.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require dpodium/yii2-geoip "~2.0.0"

or add

"dpodium/yii2-geoip": "~2.0.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Version ~2.0.0 Difference

Version ~2.0.0 uses the new GeoLite2 version of the db instead of the Legacy GeoLite which is now deprecated.

Database can be found here: https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/

Component Setup

Once the extension is installed, simply modify your application configuration as follows:

return [
    'components' => [
        'geoip' => [
            'class' => 'dpodium\yii2\geoip\components\CGeoIP',
            'support_ipv6' => false, //Default value

If querying full City data is required, yii2-geoip-city-db must be required as well, see dpodium/yii2-geoip-city-db.

For more information on the data availability, see below.


All methods accept an IP address as an argument. If no argument is supplied Yii::$app->getRequest()->getUserIP() is used.

//Along with free DB
$location = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupLocation();
$countryCode = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupCountryCode();
$countryName = Yii::$app->geoip->lookupCountryName();

Location attributes:

$location->countryCode //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->countryName //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->continentCode //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->continentName //Available in both Country and City DB
$location->city //Available in only City DB
$location->postalCode //Available in only City DB
$location->latitude //Available in only City DB
$location->longitude //Available in only City DB
$location->timeZone //Available in only City DB


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