dhluther/yii2-swivel A Yii 2.0 plugin to provide easy access and integration with zumba/swivel


Yii 2.0 Extension for Zumba Swivel

This plugin provides the necessary elements for using Swivel in a Yii 2.0+ Application.

This plugin is based on the zumba/swivel-cake plugin.

Configuration for Yii Component:

 'swivel' => [ 

Access from the application

// If the user has the feature behavior bucket enabled, use the testFeature.New.Something behavior,
// else use the default
Yii::$app->swivel->forFeature( 'testFeature' )
    ->addBehavior('New.Something', [$this,'doSomethingB'], $args)
    ->defaultBehavior([$this, 'doSomethingA'], $args )

// If the user has the feature behavior bucket enabled, use the first callable,
// else use the second callable (default)
Yii::$app->swivel->invoke('testFeature.New.Something', [$this,'doSomethingB'],[$this, 'doSomethingA']);

Make sure that your bootstrap file is set to properly include the composer autoloader.

In the index.php bootstrap:

require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');

Add the swivel migration namespace to your migration command config


with the alias of:


If you've already migrated this package in the past and want to mark it to the current migratoin via namespace, the command is

./yii migrate/mark dhluther\\swivel\\migrations\\m190812_083802

To add the composer vendor libraries for local development:

docker run --rm -v $PWD:/app composer update

The Swivel Libraries



The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

3.0.1 - December 2023

  • Allow PHP 8.3

3.0.0 - June 2023

  • Drop support for PHP 7.4
  • Update minimum supported Yii version to the minimum that supports PHP 8.0
  • Update SwivelLogger for psr/log:^3.0 compatibility
  • Added PHP matrix for 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2
  • Added the test suite to the github actions (minus the mysql integration tests)
  • Added pre-commit hook for linting
  • Added .editorconfig for Yii2 standard and linted to match
  • Replace test annotations with attributes
  • Added mysql exclusion group for integration tests
  • Removed previously deprecated table auto-creation methods and properties
  • Removed previously deprecated loggerCategory from SwivelComponent
  • Allow psr/log up to ^3.0

2.1.1 - June 2023

  • Fix - require explicit psr/log:^1.0 constraint

2.1.0 - April 2023

  • Enable support for PHP 8.2 (with caution about unsupported codeception module)
  • Minor update to the test Readme.nd to allow PHPStorm one-click test stack deployment
  • Updated tests depending on deprecated PHPUnit expectsError() method

2.0.0 - July 2021

  • Deprecated SwivelComponent::initSwivelTable method and associated SwivelComponent::$autoCreateSwivelTable property. This functionality is used by the legacy method for creating the swivel table and should no longer be used.
  • Added test suite to the repo, with supporting docker stack for testing.
  • Added this Changelog
  • Added SwivelDataSource interface for compatibility with custom data source classes
  • Added sanity checking with defaults for the config options in the SwivelLoader
  • Adopted true SemVer for future changes
  • Changed to implement strict typing for the package, with an eye towards php8 compatibility.
  • Changed the underlying swivel library package dependency (bumped from 2.x to 4.x)
  • Changed minimum PHP version to 7.4
  • Changed directory structure to be compatible with the Yii 3 method of separating namespaced content from resources.
  • Changed component references to leverage Yii's DI container

1.3.0 - December 2019

  • Changed the underlying Yii Framework version dependency (moved from * to 2.0.13 constraint)
  • Changed to add support for PHP 7.2
  • Changed parent class for the SwivelComponent to match the Yii Framework changes

1.2.0 - August 2019

  • Changed table creation to migration - matching Yii 2 practice of migration vs interrogation

1.1.0 - January 2019

  • Added support for alternate component names
  • Changed to match Yii2 coding standards
  • Changed log level to int

1.0.1 - October 2016

  • Added sanity check for null buckets

1.0.0 - March 2016

  • Branched to support Yii 2


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3.0.1 is the latest of 13 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
3 github stars & 2 github forks
14 downloads in the last day
602 downloads in the last 30 days
17752 total downloads