cornernote/yii-audit-module Track and store usage information including page requests, database field changes and system errors.


Yii Audit Module

Track and display usage information including page requests, database field changes, php errors and yii logs.


Visitor Request Tracking

  • Track site activity including everything you need to know about the request.
  • The error handler will automatically create an AuditRequest record for each visitor hit.
  • When the application ends it will update the AuditRequest with memory and time information.

Tracks the following information:

  • Links - Requested URL, referring URL, redirecting to URL (read from the headers at the end of the application)
  • User - Visitors IP Address and logged in user's ID
  • Superglobals - ($_GET/$_POST/$_SESSION/$_FILES/$_COOKIE), the arrays are serialized then compressed using gzip
  • Timers - Start and end times of the application
  • Memory - Memory usage and peak memory usage

Model Field Tracking

  • Tracks the old and new values each time your model is saved.
  • Behavior can easily be attached to any model you want to track field changes.
  • Each field change is related to an AuditRequest so you can see the entire state of the visitors action.
  • Performs multiple inserts in a single query with CDbCommandBuilder::createMultipleInsertCommand().
  • Provides views that can be rendered into your application to show changed fields for your model.

Error Tracking

  • Full error stack dump is saved, even in live mode.
  • Catches all errors, including fatal errors.
  • View all the collected data from the module interface.
  • Each error is related to an AuditRequest so you can see the entire state of the visitors action.

Log Tracking

  • Save logs to your database for easy real-time debugging or for checking on historical logs.
  • Each log is related to an AuditRequest so you can see the entire state of the visitors action.




BSD-3-Clause, Copyright © 2013-2014 Mr PHP


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1.1.15 is the latest of 17 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
22 github stars & 13 github forks
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8 downloads in the last 30 days
5444 total downloads