codiverum/yii2-relation-search-filter Simple extension for making searching and filtering by related field simple.


Relation Search and Filtering

Simple extension for making searching and filtering by related field simple.

Use this trait to easily add ability to display/filter by related entity attribute. It also allows to use table aliases. Extension is pretty simple but makes the code cleaner, especially when using aliases (there are some auto-formatting bugs in some IDEs).


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist codiverum/yii2-relation-search-filter "*"

or add

"codiverum/yii2-relation-search-filter": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


To use the trait you need to do the following (first example without using aliases):

  1. In top of your class (search-model) body put:
use \codiverum\relationSF\RelationSFTrait; 
  1. Make new public attribute in your class:
public $relation_name;
  1. Add your attribute to safe attributes
  2. In your search function add following:
    • after creating $query add:
$this->joinWithRelation($query, 'relation_name');
  • after creating $dataProvider add:
$this->addRelationSort($dataProvider, 'relation_name', 'related_table_field_name', 'table_name');
  • after creating query filters add:
$this->addRelationFilter($query, 'relation_name', 'related_table_field_name', 'table_name');
  1. Add to GridView columns array:
  'attribute' => 'relation_name',
  'value' => 'relation_name.related_table_field_name',

That's it.

Advanced Usage (with table aliases)

  1. In top of your class (search-model) body put:
use \codiverum\relationSF\RelationSFTrait; 
  1. Make new public attribute in your class:
public $relation_name;
  1. Add your attribute to safe attributes
  2. In your search function add following:
    • after creating $query add:
$this->joinWithRelation($query, 'relation_name', 'table_name', 'alias');
  • after creating $dataProvider add:
$this->addRelationSort($dataProvider, 'relation_name', 'related_table_field_name', 'alias');
  • after creating query filters add:
$this->addRelationFilter($query, 'relation_name', 'related_table_field_name', 'alias');
  1. Add to GridView columns array:

  'attribute' => 'relation_name',
  'value' => 'relation_name.related_table_field_name',

That's it.


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1.0.7 is the latest of 8 releases

BSD-4-Clause license
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