coderius/yii2-smooth-scroll Yii2 Smooth Scroll widget


Smooth Scroll js plugin widget for Yii2

The Smooth Scroll widget is a customized Smooth Scroll script based on Smooth Scroll and represents a lightweight script to animate scrolling to anchor links in web page.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require coderius/yii2-smooth-scroll


composer require coderius/yii2-smooth-scroll

or add

"coderius/yii2-smooth-scroll" : "*"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file. And run composer update

Basic usage.

  • In view include widget:

By default selector 'a[href*="#"]' passed in for the anchor links that should be animated.

<?php echo coderius\smoothScroll\SmoothScroll::widget([]); ?>

And set html link and anchor to scroll:

<a href="#your-anchor-name">Text</a>
<div id="your-anchor-name"></div>

Advansed usage.

In section 'beginClientJs' and 'endClientJs' you can set any js code.

    echo coderius\smoothScroll\SmoothScroll::widget([
        // 'selector' => false,
        'clientOptions' => [
            'speed' => '1500',
            'speedAsDuration' => true,
            'easing' => 'easeInQuint',
            'customEasing' => new \yii\web\JsExpression(
                'function (time) {
                    return time < 0.5 ? 2 * time * time : -1 + (4 - 2 * time) * time;
            'clip' => true,
            // History
            'updateURL' => true, // Update the URL on scroll
            'popstate' => true, // Animate scrolling with the forward/backward browser buttons (requires updateURL to be true)
            // Custom Events
            'emitEvents' => true // Emit custom events
        'clientMethods' => [
            // Animate scrolling to an anchor.
            'animateScroll' => [
                'anchor' => "document.querySelector('#anchor')",// numbel (y-position to scroll) or dom element
                // 'toggle' => 700,
                'options' => "{ speed: 1500, easing: 'easeOutCubic' }",
            'cancelScroll' => false,
            'destroy' => false,
        //$self in is widget object
        'beginClientJs' => function($self){
            $script = "var logScrollEvent = function (event) {

                // The event type
                console.log('type:', event.type);

                // The anchor element being scrolled to
                console.log('anchor:', event.detail.anchor);

                // The anchor link that triggered the scroll
                console.log('toggle:', event.detail.toggle);


            return $script;
        'endClientJs' => function($self){
            $script = "console.log(" . $self->getScrollVarName() . ")";

            return $script;

        * This script will be generated if you specify the elements of the array 
        * as in the example below.
        * document.addEventListener('scrollStart', logScrollEvent, false);
        * document.addEventListener('scrollStop', logScrollEvent, false);
        * document.addEventListener('scrollCancel', logScrollEvent, false);
        'clientEvents' => [
            'scrollStart' => ['logScrollEvent', false],
            'scrollStop' => ['logScrollEvent', false],
            'scrollCancel' => ['logScrollEvent', false],

Reference to js plugin and more settings find in github author repository that is used in this widget.


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