claudejanz/yii2-scrollmagic Yii2 ScrollMagic integration


Yii2 ScrollMagic

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Yii2 ScrollMagic integration


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist claudejanz/yii2-scrollmagic "*"

or add

"claudejanz/yii2-scrollmagic": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed, simply use it in your code by :

// set Scrollmagic controller
$controller = new ScrollController([
//    'globalSceneOptions'=> [
//        'triggerHook'=> "onEnter",
//    ]
$i = 0;

while ($i < 3) {

// some tags
    echo Html::beginTag('section', ['class' => 'home_banner']);
    echo Html::img('@web/images/prangins.jpg', ['class' => 'img-responsive']);
    echo Html::beginTag('div', ['class' => 'container']);
    $title = '';
    echo Html::tag('p', $title, ['class' => 'title', 'id' => 'title_' . $i]);
    $teaser = 'Une agence digitale';
    echo Html::tag('p', $teaser, ['class' => 'teaser', 'id' => 'teaser_' . $i]);
    $text = 'Nous développons des applications & des sites Web<br/>
Société Basée à Prangins';
    echo Html::tag('p', $text, ['class' => 'baseline', 'id' => 'baseline_' . $i]);
    echo Html::endTag('div');
    echo Html::endTag('section');

// create a Screen
    $scene = new ScrollScene(['triggerElement' => '#title_' . $i]);
// create a Timeline
    $timeline = new TimelineMax(['yoyo' => true]);

// create Tweens
    $tween1 = TweenMax::from("#title_$i", 0.5, ['autoAlpha' => 0, 'scale' => 0]);
    $tween2 = TweenMax::to("#title_$i", 0.5, ['backgroundColor' => 'red', 'delay' => -0.25]);
    $tween3 = TweenMax::from("#teaser_$i", 0.5, ['autoAlpha' => 0, 'y' => 120]);
    $tween4 = TweenMax::to("#teaser_$i", 0.5, ['color' => 'darkgreen']);
    $tween5 = TweenMax::from("#baseline_$i", 0.5, ['autoAlpha' => 0, 'x' => 120]);

// add tweens to timeline

// attach timeline to scene

// add indicator
    $scene->addIndicators(['name' => $i . ' (duration: 0)']);

//add to controller


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v0.1 is the latest of one release

BSD-4-Clause license
0 github stars & 1 github forks
0 downloads in the last day
0 downloads in the last 30 days
849 total downloads