br0sk/yii2-ironmq Yii2 wrapper for IronMQ V3


A Yii2 extension for IronMQ V3

This is an extension for Yii2 that makes it easy to use IronMq V3.

Add it to the composer file

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.4.0",
    "yiisoft/yii2": "*",
    "yiisoft/yii2-bootstrap": "*",
    "yiisoft/yii2-swiftmailer": "*",
    "br0sk/yii2-ironmq": "0.*",

You can configure it in your application components configuration like so:

'ironmq' => [
    //Mandatory config values
    'class' => 'br0sk\ironmq\IronMQ',
    'projectId'     => 'yourprojectid',
    'token'         => 'yourtoken'
    //Optional config values
    'protocol'      => 'https',
    'host'          => '',
    'port'          => '443',
    'api_version'   => '3'

note: You can find the project id and token in the HUD for your V3 queue if you log in here. The tokens can be found on their own page here here.

An example of typical usage:

    //Push a message to the queue
    $pushedMessage = Yii::$app->ironmq->postMessage("queue_name", "Test Message");
    //Reserve a message from the queue to process it
    $message = Yii::$app->ironmq->reserveMessage('queue_name');
    //When processing is done remove the message from the queue
    $deltedResult = Yii::$app->ironmq->deleteMessage('queue_name', $message->id, $message->reservation_id);

You can now use all the calls in the IronMQ API.

This extension is a wrapper for irom_mq_php


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0.1.3 is the latest of 4 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
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