arogachev/yii2-excel ActiveRecord import and export based on PHPExcel for Yii 2 framework


Yii 2 Excel

ActiveRecord import and export based on PHPExcel for Yii 2 framework.

This library is mainly designed to import data, export is in the raw condition (even it's working in basic form), under development and not documented yet.

The important notes:

  • It uses ActiveRecord models and PHPExcel library, so operating big data requires pretty good hardware, especially RAM. In case of memory shortage I can advise splitting data into smaller chunks.
  • This is not just a wrapper on some PHPExcel methods, it's a tool helping import data from Excel in human readable form with minimal configuration.
  • This is designed for periodical import.
  • The library is more effective when working with multiple related models and complex data structures.

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The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist arogachev/yii2-excel

or add

"arogachev/yii2-excel": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

Running import

if (!$importer->run()) {
    echo $importer->error;

    if ($importer->wrongModel) {
        echo Html::errorSummary($importer->wrongModel);


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0.1.1 is the latest of 2 releases

BSD-3-Clause license
65 github stars & 25 github forks
10 downloads in the last day
142 downloads in the last 30 days
72640 total downloads