EGeoIp Extension uses geoPlugin free webservice to locate IP geo information
This extension allows you to easily integrate the geoPlugin webservice into your Yii applications.
geoPlugin offers you, the webmaster, the ability to easily geo-localize your visitor down to the city they are in, know what currency they use and the up-to-date currency exchange rate of their currency versus yours.
Developed with Yii 1.1.6
Unpack the contents of the extension to your protected/extensions directory. Once you do that, the following is an example on how to use it:
$geoIp = new EGeoIP();
$geoIp->locate(''); // use your IP
echo 'Information regarding IP: <b>'.$geoIp->ip.'</b><br/>';
echo 'City: '.$geoIp->city.'<br>';
echo 'Region: '.$geoIp->region.'<br>';
echo 'Area Code: '.$geoIp->areaCode.'<br>';
echo 'DMA: '.$geoIp->dma.'<br>';
echo 'Country Code: '.$geoIp->countryCode.'<br>';
echo 'Country Name: '.$geoIp->countryName.'<br>';
echo 'Continent Code: '.$geoIp->continentCode.'<br>';
echo 'Latitude: '.$geoIp->latitude.'<br>';
echo 'Longitude: '.$geoIp->longitude.'<br>';
echo 'Currency Symbol: '.$geoIp->currencySymbol.'<br>';
echo 'Currency Code: '.$geoIp->currencyCode.'<br>';
echo 'Currency Converter: '.$geoIp->currencyConverter.'<br/>';
echo 'Converting $10.00 to '.$geoIp->currencyCode.': <b>'.$geoIp->currencyConvert(10).'</b><br/>';
Please make use of the forum post to report errors, requests, and suggestions. Let comments on this extension for coding hints.
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